Monday 26 March 2018

My opinion piece

Watching the news and seeing the terrible weather events, I thought to myself: Is this how it is going
to end and can we stop it?

Global warming is caused by gases such as Co2, methane and other lethal gases mainly caused by people.
We can stop global warming if people stop using fossil fuels. The world has only so many resources so
that means that we have to recycle what we have not used it up all at once.

From most lethal to not so lethal,  the worst greenhouse gases are:

  1. Water vapor (H. 2O)
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Methane
  4. Nitrous oxide
  5. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
  6. Hydrofluorocarbons (incl. HCFCs and HFCs)

How come we are not stopping global warming?
why are people using fossil fuels and coal-fired power when there are things like electricity from solar panels or even just using your own legs
Think about some food that is a delicacy to you think about some foods like pumpkin, peanuts,
watermelons and other great tasting foods. When the climate gets too warm it will be hard to
grow these.The world has only so many resources so that means that we have to recycle what
we have not used it up all at once.

Watching the news Global warming has sent the earth to a whopping 1 degrees hotter than what

it used to be. that doesn't seem like a lot but it is to geological scientist because in a couple of years

it will rise until it gets as hot as Venus!  Did you know that already the mountains with permanent

snow is not really permanent...

By the time of 2020 humans might have woken up to what we are doing and that we will stop polluting

the world. Global warming is the end of animals, imagine whales suffering because the ocean currents
shutting down and the water being too hot for them.

Take your part and stop global warming by using more efficient fuels and things like that to stop it.

                                                                                  Xavier room7

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