Thursday 28 September 2017

My Term Emoji

Q. what was hard to do and now is easy?
  1. Something i have improved is using my chromebook and getting my blog up and things
Like that (also adapting to the harsh cold climate bbrrrrrr).

Q.Of the books you read this term, which was your favourite? Why?
A. the book i like the most is fish even though we haven't finished it yet. It is exciting because I like how it goes from relaxed to confusing. There are lots of things that are unexplained. I hope they get to safety.

Q.What is something we did this term that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?
A. the thing i did this term that i will remember for the rest of my life is moving to N.Z
And having my first laptop.

Q.What is your favourite part of the day in our class? Why? favourite part of the day is on Thursday at lunch because it is a wheels day,  then we have milk then read FISH.